For any notice / information regarding Railway Recruitment Cell, the candidates should visit official websites of only and BEWARE of FAKE websites put up by unscrupulous elements/touts. Any information/ notice being circulated in the social media regarding RRC may please be ignored.


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Result & Panel

  • Total Application: NA NA
  • Rejected List NA NA
  • Selected for Exam: NA NA
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Please beware of the unscrupulous elements who may misguide the candidates with false promises of getting them selected for the job, on illegal consideration. The recruitment process in the RRC exams is fully computerized and the selection is based purely on the merit of the candidates. If you come across any such person, please do inform us with all possible details, so that we can take appropriate and necessary action in this regard.


Eligibility Criteria

All serving employees of Divisions, Units, Workshops or Headquarters of North Eastern Railway and MCF Rai Bareli, irrespective of the cadre or Department may apply for the above posts. For more details view Notification.


Selection Pocess

Computer Based Test conducted of eligible candidates as per exam groups, RRC reserves the right to combine one or more Exam Groups and held a common examination or to split an Exam Group into one or more categories and hold seperate examinations for each category.


Vacancy Description

Online applications are invited from serving railway employees of North Estern Railway and Modern Coach factory Rae Bareli for filling up posts under GDCE are: Total Vaccancy-221.

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